Covid-19 Safety Plan

iTalkBB Joint Health and Safety Committee is an organization that is established to deal with the health and work safety issues of employees. The following are the work safety guidelines for stores and offices during the COVID-19 period.

Emergency response committee during the epidemic:Our Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) is to respond, handle, and manage emerging issues.
• The committee conducts safety inspections before resuming work at the workplace and the workplace can only resume work after passing the inspection. JHSC will inspect the workplace regularly and irregularly (including epidemic prevention safety measures, etc.)
• The Committee is responsible for the formulation, update, execution, and inspection of the safety plan
• If employees have any questions or suggestions, they can also report and communicate with the company's JHSC. Employee Representatives of the JHSC: Cynthia (East CA), Hayley (West CA)

COVID-19 Work Safety Guideline (Office)

To protect employees in health and safety at work during the COVID-19 period, employees are required to refer to and abide by the following regulations and guidelines while working in the office.

• Try to avoid unnecessary internal or external face-to-face meetings; consider having the meeting online via Zoom instead. (Our company has purchased the paid services of Zoom. Please contact Alan (East CA) or Richard (West CA) for login information if needed.)
• Please ensure to keep at least 2 meters distance away from others and wear a face mask properly when it is necessary to hold a face-to-face meeting

Daily Communication:
• WeChat or email are preferred for daily communication; Please ensure to keep at least 2 meters distance away from others and wear a face mask properly when it is necessary to communicate face-to-face

Common Area:
• Limited to 2 people in common areas at any given time (break rooms, pantry)
• Please let one party pass through and clear the path before the other passes through a narrow area or corridor (Please pay attention to the poster at the corresponding places)

• The company will allow employees to work from home remotely, depending on the nature of the job. Try to minimize the number of employees at the office to ten people or less to reduce the physical interaction with others and maintain 2 meters distance as much as possible
• Employees who need to work in the office must read the safety guidelines carefully and receive training before returning to work. Please sit in the designated seat to ensure a safe distance

Engineering Controls and Self-Protection:
• Employees must wear face masks properly at work, and gloves if needed
• Maintain at least 2 meters distance away from each other while communicating
• Place plexiglass on the front desk of the office, and ensure it stands securely (apply rubber bits on the bottom of both sides to consolidate the plexiglass if needed)

Administrative Controls:
• “COVID-19 safety guidelines” will be posted on the office notice board; employees must follow and implement these to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others
• Place social distancing posters --- “One person at a time to pass through” and “Please keep 2 meters physical distance”
• Employees need to answer 4 questions regarding COVID-19 safety and symptoms every day to examine suspected cases and ensure workplace safety. This record is only for COVID-19 security work and will not be used for other purposes. It will be destroyed in a unified manner after 14 days.
• Employees must record their body temperature and self-check current health status before work to ensure they are in good health condition; confirmed by signing off an employee health check sheet

Hygiene Practices:
• Pay attention to personal hygiene, and use hand sanitizer when washing hands is inconvenient
• Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently accessed every day (e.g. door handles, switches, etc.)
• Dispose of the garbage properly to keep clean and hygienic; change the garbage bags frequently if needed
• Close the door after using the washroom

Health Protection:
• Report to the manager and the human resources department as soon as possible when family members or roommates travel outside of Canada or other provinces, or if associated with people who confirmed with the epidemic. Self-isolate for 14 days if there are suspected symptoms, and call the government hotline for consultation or seek medical advice. Report the situation to the manager through communication channels such as telephone or WeChat at the earliest. The manager should then, report to the human resources department shortly and actively discuss the handling and response methods. The role of the manager is to be a communication bridge between the employees and the company. Please ensure to do a thorough job of collecting information and transmission and do well in employee support and internal department work arrangements.
• If employees feel unwell at work or even presents mild symptoms, they should be asked to sanitize their hands, wear a face mask, and go straight home to isolate. If he or she is severely ill, call 911. Be sure to clean and disinfect any surfaces that the employee has come into contact with.

Epidemic Prevention Training & Plans update:
• All employees are required to attend COVID-19 prevention training held by the company to understand the restrictions and modifications of the workplace.
• Managers are responsible for monitoring employees and the workplace to ensure policies and procedures are being followed. Our company is open to suggestions that can improve the current policies and procedures and will make reasonable adjustments.
• If the company formulate a new plan and arrange new training, employees must participate and implement

COVID-19 Work Safety Guideline (Store)

To protect employees in health and safety at work during the COVID-19 period, employees must implement the office security plan (if applied), and also the additional store-related safety measures and regulations.

Limitation of Aggregation:
• Maximum of two customers in the store at once. If the number of customers exceeds the limit, employees should remind customers to wait outside of the store politely. Please ensure to maintain at least 2 meters distance while communicating with the customers
• Arrange a maximum of two employees to work together in a large store and one in a small store

Engineering Controls and Self-Protection:
• Place plexiglass on the desk, and ensure it stands securely (apply rubber bits on the bottom of both sides to consolidate the plexiglass if needed)
• Employees must wear a face mask and a face shield properly at work, and gloves if needed
• Maintain at least 2 meters distance away from customers while communicating
• Pay attention to personal hygiene, and use hand sanitizer when washing hands difficult

Administrative Controls:
• Display “Covid-19 Safety guideline” in a visible place for employees and customers to read and follow 
• Place social distancing stickers and epidemic prevention posters --- “Our shop has been disinfected”, “One person passes through at a time”, “Please keep 2 meters physical distance”, “Disinfected every two hours”, “two meters foot stickers”, and “Do not enter if you have below symptom”
• Ensure customers wear a face mask and use hand sanitizer before they enter the store. Sanitizer should be placed next to the door. Provide a face mask if customers do not have one. (face masks should be packed separately in an envelope in advance)
• Try to shorten the time of service in the store on the premise of ensuring the quality of customer service
• Employees must ask each customer the following questions and fill the data in a collection form for future follow-up before providing any service. 
1.Do you have any concern that you have been exposed to COVID-19?
2.Did you travel outside of Canada in the past 14 days?
3.Have you tested positive for COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
4.Do you have a fever, cough, cold, and/or other symptoms?
• Customer information will be handed over to the office for destruction every two weeks.
• Employees must record their body temperature and self-check current health status before work to ensure they are in good health condition; confirmed by signing off an employee health check sheet

Hygiene Practices:
• Disinfecting and cleaning supplies will be provided for each store
• Use alcohol/ sanitizer to disinfect touched surfaces within the store in every 2 hours (e.g. keyboard, telephone, door handle, switch, etc.)
• Dispose of garbage properly to keep clean and hygienic; change the garbage bags frequently if needed

Health Protection:
• Report to the manager and the human resources department (Richard) as soon as possible when family members or roommates travel outside of Canada or other provinces, or if associated with people who confirmed with the epidemic. Self-isolate for 14 days if there are suspected symptoms, and call government hotline for consultation or seek medical advice. Report the situation to the manager through communication channels such as telephone or WeChat at the earliest. The manager should then, report to the human resources department shortly and actively discuss the handling and response methods. The role of the manager is to be a communication bridge between the employees and the company. Please ensure to do a thorough job of collecting information and transmission and do well in employee support and internal department work arrangements.
• If employees feel unwell at work or present with mild symptoms, they should be asked to sanitize their hands, wear a face mask, and go straight home to isolate. If he or she is severely ill, call 911. Be sure to clean and disinfect any surfaces that the employee has come into contact with

Epidemic Prevention Training & Plans update:
• All employees are required to attend COVID-19 prevention training held by the company to get an understanding of the restrictions and modifications of the workplace.
• Managers are responsible for monitoring employees and the workplace to ensure policies and procedures are being followed. Our company is open to suggestions that can improve current policies and procedures and will make reasonable adjustments.
• If the company formulates a new plan and arrange new training, employees must participate and implement